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With respect and gratitude, we acknowledge that we have the privilege of working on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the Quw'utsun people.

Free programs for British Columbians suffering from 
Chronic Insomnia
or Terminal Illness

We offer programs where you will find support and open authentic connection

Programs for chronic insomnia

Mindfulness Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (MBTI)

Chronic insomnia, whether involving difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, can have a significant impact on your ability to function in day-to-day life.
This program supports patients suffering from chronic insomnia who want to explore ways of managing their sleep using mindfulness-based skills and behavioural therapy.


Programs for terminal illness

Programs for people diagnosed with a Terminal Illness

We often define ourselves and others by what we do and what we have.  Amidst the trauma of tests, investigations, consultations, diagnoses, and treatments that come with a life limiting illness you may lose a sense of your own essence, prompting the question, “who am I?”
Exploration of beliefs, values, and priorities in the context of preparing for death can create an opportunity for profound personal growth.
It is important to understand what to expect on the road ahead, so you can make truly informed decisions that align with your personal values.
Our programs offer support and guidance for patients and their caregivers, fostering knowledge, spiritual discovery, and personal growth.


SATA Centre for Conscious Living holds the vision of providing accessible programs so we can heal together by connecting through open and authentic relationships.


We believe we lose the essence of self from trauma.  This trauma can come from our past, or from even the diagnosis of illness, the investigations, the treatments and the unknown.  We recognize that much of our suffering comes from our own and society's expectations of what we do and what we have.  When we are unable to fulfil these expecations, we live distressed both in body and mind.


Current medical and psychological models do not support the spiritual crisis that is often associated with facing our traumas and fears.  We provide supportive programs which allow us to connect with essence of ourselves - WHO we are, even when we can no longer DO the things that we previously identified ourselves with.  We use story and mindfulness meditation techniques which are accessible to those with limited resources of energy.


We co-create our programs with our colleagues and participants and have also used the wisdom of indigenous elders to maximize cultural safety and relational accountability in our programming.  We acknowledge that our participants are the experts in their own identity and welcome the participation of 2SLGBTQIA+ people in our work.



Finding your Authentic Self in the face of illness

This clinic was founded by Andrea Lemp (RN), Laura McLean (MD) and Valorie Masuda (MD) in response to the suffering our patients have.  Much of this suffering comes from a place of loss of self in the context of chronic disease, chronic disability or life-limiting illness.  


Suffering happens when we feel our bodies are 'failing' us, or a mind that continues to swirl with continuing thoughs of self-judgement and failures.


We have discovered that discovery of the spirit of SELF - who one IS in the context of a body and mind that is not serving, can provide great healing.


We are offering programs of self-discovery and personal transformation.



"Seek truth, seek the Light and live in integrity with yourself, with other and with Nature, then you will have peace."  - Rev Jessica Rochester D. Div.

Andrea lemp, RN Mental Health, certified in mindfulness meditation and functional medicine

Andrea Lemp

RN, MSN (She/Her)

Dr. Laura McLean, Internal Medicine, specializing in sleep medicine
Dr. Valorie Masuda physician in palliative care, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, University of British Columbia

Dr. Valorie Masuda

MD, FCFP (EM)(PC)  (She/Her)

Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine

University of British Columbia

Dr. Laura McLean

MD, FRCP  (She/Her)


Creation of innovative evidence-informed programs, based on ancient practices, which support connection to our wholeness as spiritual beings in  community with others, the earth and the universe


  • A place where all people are welcomed to gather in a safe and inclusive community to develop resilience and wholeness in mind, body and spirit.

  • A community where we support and celebrate one another’s unique life journeys, through open authentic connection and through sharing ancient and evolving research-based practices.

  • A community which is accessible and affordable to all, and which is financially sustainable.













We believe that all Canadians deserve access to programs that support their mental and physical wellness.


We can provide our services free of charge by accessing the BC Ministry of Health's Medical Services Plan.  


To access these programs, participants require a referral from their primary care provider (family doctor or nurse practitiioner) or a specialist (internal medicine, oncology, psychiatry etc)



2SLGBTQ1A+ affirming care
 2SLGBTQIA+ community affirming
Indigenous cultural safety awareness
Providing culturally safe spaces for indigenous people

Frequently asked questions

Q: Why do I need a physician's referral for some of the programs?

A: In order to provide free programming, we need to conform with MSP billing rules which require a referral to specialist physicians.  

We also perform an intake with a physician and nurse to ensure you are appropriate for the program.

The Pre-fatal Classes provided by a palliative physician do not require referral.

Q: Can I participate if I live outside of British Columbia or Canada?

A: Unfortunately, the regulatory bodies for physicians require that they only treat patients within the province they are licensed in.  For now, only Canadian patients in BC with an MSP number are able to register for courses.  We hope to expand programming to other provinces as we expand our physician team to those with licenses in other provinces

Q:  Do I have to be in my last three months of life to participate in terminal illness programs?

A:  These programs are designed to help you live your best life with the diagnosis of terminal illness.  It's best to participate shortly after you receive your diagnosis, whether or not you are receiving life prolonging treatments or on the waiting list for transplant.

Q:  What about caregivers?

A:  For our Pre-Fatal Classes, caregivers are welcome to register and attend, even if the patient themselves does not want to aprticipate.  We ask if both patient and caregiver want to participate, that both register for the class and are welcome to join on the same or different computer.  Sometimes caregivers don't want to ask questions in front of their loved one or vice versa so participating from different computers, if possible, is a good option.

For our other courses, Best Three Months and New Beginnings Without End, we hope to provide a caregiver offering at a later time.

Q:  Am I going to be anonymous in the group or will people know who I am?

A:  For the Best Three Months and New Beginnings without End courses, you will be participating in small groups and connecting on a deeply personal level.  

For Prefatal Classes, we will be providing you with a numerical sign-on alias so you and your caregiver will remain anonymous to the rest of the group participants.

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